#8: the popilon (french for butterfly), is a small dog with a attitude it is highly possessive of there owners to the point were exhibit jealousy if they feel there owner is not spending enough with them and more with something or someone else. despite their small size they are considered a excellent watch dog barking loudly if it believe there's some sort of intruders. despite it's attitude it is a very affectionate and playful dog adoring attention and cuddling as well as doing various tricks witch during around the Renascence became a favourite put of European royalty(as well as one of my cousins).

#7: is the the Labrador retriever. is considered a very affectionate and patient dog especially to children as well as other dogs making it a popular family pet as well as enjoying working and exercise witch it needs or it can develop weight problems. Labradors are considered one of the smartest dog breeds due to their ease of training

#4. is the golden retriever probably considered one of most poplar dog breeds combining all of the things find important in a dog affectionate,caring,good with children patient and eager to please making it as tied with first place as most affectionate dog breed making it as one of the best family dog breeds. as well as being a exceptionally smart dog breed that can learn high level dog trick and highly obedient. originally bred and trained to retrieve water fowl, golden have highly developed scenting ability as well as a high intelligence make it a good small game dog (or bird hunter). a favorite activity is to catch?retrieve stuff (like a stick) as well as bring stuff to it's master as a sign of affection.
#3.the German shepherds are a highly intelligent courageous as well as a strong protective instinct making it a excellent guard dog. if given proper obedience training can be a great family dog that is good with children.because of their high intelligent makes it so to be truly happy they have to have a job of some sort such as police or guard and search dogs are commonly German Shepard's.

now the dog breeds that considered the top ten dumbest or least trainable (no offence to them or the people who like them)

#8. the mastiff originating in Britain over 2000 years ago mastiffs are one of the biggest dog breeds and are considered a relatively gentle type of dog but can still be good guard dogs. mastiffs aren't so much as being dumb as more stubbornness that make them hard to train and require short training sessions also due to there gentle nature it's best to be patient with them and encourage them excited or happy voice will help.

#6. the bloodhound is considered a dog with a lower then average in intellect in dogs, and are a some what stubborn to train dog. bloodhounds are most famous for there amazing smelling ability in fact there smelling is so good the can track a scent over 100 hours old as well as being extremely determined as well as having good work ethnic making them a excellent tracking dog. they considered a good family dog because they have a gentle and affectionate nature and are good with kids.
#5. borzoi (Russian wolf hound) is a dog with a surprisingly cat like attitude do to it's free think and independent nature they keep themselves very clean and on like most dogs aren't as driven to please their master making them harder to train. but are affectionate and loyal to people they know well.
#4. the chow chow another dog with a cat like attitude. most a indoor companion dog. chow chows are considered extremely loyal to there family and can be come jealous of visitor to there masters house. due to there attitude they need a owner with a strong will power and firm hand or the dog could end up taking charge.
#3 is the bulldog.American bulldogs are considered a very brave dog and dependable dog with amazing guarding skills.bulldogs make excellent guard dogs partially because of there menacing appearance as well as the fact the were bred to guard, control and bait bulls making them a very tough dog for there small size. even though they make very good guard dogs they are considered one of the most gentle dog breeds who are very gentle and affectionate with children making them excellent family dogs who love human attention and affection to stay happy.
#2. the basenji is a other dog with cat like attitude constantly grooming themselves and and tend to stare out of windows for hours a day. the basenji is considered unique because it has a bark more close to sounding like a human laugh or crying then a bark giving them the nickname the barkless dog. the basenji is not a good apartment dog because it needs frequent walks or at least a spacious back yard. the are in this least because the are temperamental and the cat like attitude makes them harder to train then most dogs as to some degree making them questionable family pets.
#1. the dog that is considered least intelligent or least trainable is the Afghan hound also calledthe king of dogs. they are considered sweet affectionate and sensitive with a low dominance level (tell that my aunt who got bit by one) but can also be noble and courageous when they have to be.even though the have a low dominance level they also have a low obedience level as well making them hard to train but like some other dogs in this list they have a similar personality to cats so there place in the rank as the least intelligent could be miss placed as most independent dog instead.