#10: the star nosed mole:

#8 the vampire bat:
The vampire bat is one of the ugliest and most feared animals in the Western Hemisphere. This repulsive-looking creature has huge ears and a wrinkled-up nose that sits atop large fang-like teeth. And if its looks weren't bad enough, this animal also has the nasty penchant for mammal blood. At night these bats emerge from their caves to search for unsuspecting cows, horses, birds, pigs or even humans. Then, often without waking their victim, the bat uses its sharp teeth to shave away pieces of flesh and then lap up the oozing blood with their tongues. On the plus side, these "attacks" often go unnoticed and rarely hurt the victim. i don't really think it's that uglie compared to some things.
#7 proboscis monkey

#1 the blob fish. The blob fish is one of those animals that illicit the response, "that can't be real!" Coming in at No. 1 on our countdown of ugly animals is the very real blob fish, a deep-water, bottom-dwelling species endemic to the waters of the South Pacific. It is made of a gelatinous material less dense than water, which allows it to float about in the water despite reaching such a large and ungainly size. This animal is rarely encountered by humans and therefore not much is known about its natural history. Although, judging from its appearance, it seems likely that the blob fish spends most of its time just sitting around waiting for a meal to swim by. one word puke is what i makes feel like doing from seeing it.
now top ten oddest creatures.
#10 albino alligator

#9 two faced kittens
Having two faces is a difficult look to pull off, even for a kitten. Still, when double-faced cats are born, they tend to garner a good bit of publicity. There is something about this particular freak of nature that really pulls at the heart strings of curious onlookers. Though rare, two-faced cats do occasionally occur. A double-faced kitty born in Ohio in August 2008 had two noses, two sets of eyes and two mouths, which meowed in unison. A similar two-faced kitten was born in Perth, Australia, in November 2008, but lived for just a couple of days. i feel sad that kittens let alone anything can be born this way.
#8 conjoined Nile tilaphia twins

#7 Italy's unicorn
When researchers at Italy's Center of Natural Sciences in Prato first laid eyes on the small roe deer with a single horn protruding from the middle of its head, the animal's nickname was a no-brainer. They would call him "unicorn." But less clear was the explanation for the young deer's centrally located single horn. Was it caused by a genetic mutation or possibly an injury sustained early in life? Or, could this be proof of the existence of those mythical creatures known as unicorns? Most likely the former, but it was probably fun to speculate. Such anomalies may occur with some regularity in mammals, which might account for the persistence of the unicorn myth through the ages. there is no such thing as unicorns but there are unideer.
#6 elbowed squidThe elusive squid is known for having a squishy body, long slender tentacles and a rather feisty disposition. But it is not known for having elbows. A dive team working for an oil company in the Gulf of Mexico in 2007 was shocked when they caught a glimpse of this bent-limbed beast. Using a remote-controlled underwater camera at a drilling site about a mile and a half below the surface of the water, they filmed several seconds of this large squid. Focusing the camera on the animal revealed that its long legs and tentacles jutted out from its body and then trailed down from the appendages at sharp right angles. In other words, the squid had elbows.don't you need bones for elbows.
#5 white lions
White lions are unusual yet beautiful creatures that have been revered in folklore for centuries. Contrary to popular belief, they are not albinos. Rather, their ultra-light coloration is a result of a genetic mutation that occurs when two such individuals mate. The condition is called leucistic, which means that they have normal pigment in the eyes and paw pads, but lack pigment in the hair. The resulting appearance is somewhat variable; some individuals are near-white, while others are blond or reddish. White lions have been successfully bred in captivity but are rare in the wild, since their light color makes them less effective hunters and more vulnerable to poachers. i think that the are barley considered odd.
#4 two head turtle

#3 Yoda the four eared cat
Aptly named by his owners "Yoda," this smoky-gray cat was born with a second set of ears set just atop the main pair. The extra auricles give Yoda the impression of being a devil cat or possibly some type of Jedi knight. Yoda had been living in a bar near Chicago when he was adopted by a couple who had stopped in for a drink. They took him home, made him part of the family and then posted his picture on the Internet. Since then, this four-eared feline has enjoyed international notoriety. you have done my young mouse catcher.
#2 giant bunniesPeople who claim to see giant bunnies hopping around their backyards may receive some sideways glances and a few mental health recommendations. However, there have been multiple reports of over sized rabbits throughout the U.S. and Europe in recent years. Bred in captivity, rabbits can grow to be more than 3 feet long and weigh more than 30 pounds. Giant rabbits do not occur in the wild, but they have been known to escape captivity and breed with local wild rabbit populations. Prized by some as novelty pets, these big bunnies are despised by most gardeners since they can decimate a vegetable crop in the blink of an eye. i wonder if any are related to bugs bunny.
#1 Henry the hexapus
We all know that the octopus is so-named for having eight legs. But what do you call a six-legged cephalopod that by all other measures is completely octopus-like? You call it a "hexapus," of course. "Henry the Hexapus," as he is known to the staff of Blackpool Sea Life Center in England, was found in a lobster trap and taken to the center to be given a permanent home. At first, his keepers didn't bother to count his legs. However, as soon as he attached himself to the side of an aquarium tank, they realized poor Henry was two short of an eight-pack. i wouldn't say this should be considered the number one oddest when compared to two faced kittens and stuffnow the top10 most horrifying animal as well as a bonus #1 (AAA! scary)
# 10 the wolf
There are plenty of people afraid of the big bad wolf, and from all exterior appearances, who could blame them? A wolf's howl is enough to spark fear in even the most rational person. They're also twice as fast as an Olympic sprinter and can bring down predators that weigh five times as much as a human! Despite all these scary stats, the wolf threat factor is more or less one big fairy tale. There's never been a documented case of a wild wolf killing a person — in fact, they tend to be more scared of us than we are of them. Still, I wouldn't encourage testing that theory anytime soon. i wonder if there is such a thing as a tamed wolf probably not or at least not a full wolf.
#9 mouse
The mouse is yet another creature that in actuality is more scared of people than vice versa — but this little guy can still make us squeal with fear just by scurrying across the kitchen floor. Even though they're more or less harmless, the fact that female mice can have up to 11 babies every three weeks may be screech-worthy after all. Mice can also be scary for the economy, too; when they reach plague proportions, they can cause millions of dollars worth of damage. That's a pretty impressive total for a rodent only five inches long! i don/t think mice themselves are scary unless there is a swarm of them or carry a disease.
#8 piranha
If you're ever compelled to take a nice, refreshing dip in the rivers in the Amazon basin: unless you enjoy playing the part of a fish's chew toy, it might be best to skip it. The infamous piranha has quite the reputation when it comes to nibbling, though that term might be a bit misleading; a school of these fish can strip the flesh off of a cow in just minutes. Truth be told, piranha prefer to scavenge on animals that are already dead, and if that's not an option, they'll move on to the scales and tales of other fish. But with their tightly packed, interlocking teeth built for rapid puncture and shearing, it might be best to stick to swimming
#7 grizzly bear (not sure if there are bears this big or it's

6# great white shark
What piranhas have done in terms of creating horrors in the Amazon River, great white sharks have done for the oceans of the world. Equipped with two tons of muscle and teeth, and averaging 20 feet in length, this is one big fish with an appetite to match. Despite their massive size, they move quickly, outpacing even the strongest swimmers with five times the speed. Though these facts and movies like Jaws might lead you to believe otherwise, not all sharks are monsters; out of the 350 shark species, half don't grow longer than three feet, and despite press hype, there are less than 100 shark attacks each year worldwide. Many of these incidents are a result of the sharks "test-biting" out of curiosity, which seems to be a really polite way of saying we're like the appetizer tray that gets passed around at parties. ya a appetizer but even the great is nothing compared to it's grandad the megaladon which would considered us a bit sized snack.
#5 bat

Whether we're talking itsy bitsy or tarantula, spiders can spike intense fear in people, to the point that there's even an actual name for it: arachnophobia. Some arachnophobics get so bent out of shape by a spider's eight hairy legs and eyes and two horrific fangs that even a drawing of one can send them over the edge. Most spiders are actually unlikely to bite humans, and there are only five types equipped with venom strong enough to cause death. But if one came swooping down into your tuffet, wouldn't you ditch the curds and whey ASAP? Thought so. apparently the most poisonous spider is the brown recluse spider but it is also one of the most dosial spiders.
#3 bee


Make no mistake about it: parasitic worms are truly the most horrifying creatures in the animal kingdom because they will literally eat you from inside out. One of the more exotic types, the blood fluke, lurks in the tropics and burrows through skin to enter the bloodstream, then heads for the bladder where they can reside for up to 30 years! Blood flukes will continue laying eggs that are so spinney they can rupture the bladder wall. For a gut-wrenching scare, look no further than the pencil-like round worm. One of out of every four people on the planet has one of these living in their stomach, feasting on the same food they eat. Or maybe you're being terrorized by a filarial worm, thin as a strand of hair or piece of thread, as long as your finger, and coiled up in your lymph glands feeding on your body fluids. Here's the scariest part: most of the time, you might never even know if or where a parasitic worm is lurking, making your body the ultimate haunted house. Boo! i agree parasitic life form a probably my number one fear. especial this one ring worm/fungus witch raccoons carry and actually eats your brains and is currently incurable and is always deadly.
and bonus number 1 most horrible terrifying monstrous creature
nothing is more feared and vicious and and absolutely horrifying then the clown using it's masterful ability of disguise to blend with it's prey of choice usually traveling along side other creatures like trapeze walkers jugglers and as well as other truly scary creatures who travel together in a group called a circus who all for some reason on know all are lead by the almost as terrible creature called the ringmaster.
the actual bonus#1 horrifying creature is homo sapian aka humans
the reason why i say that we are one of the most horrifying animals the reason is because of our ability to manipulate things to cause mass amount of destruction as well as our control problems with expanding our selves without trying to keep ecosystems in take. or our weapons of war like nukes as well as the now illegal chemical and biological weapons and the the way we think of different people and act on our beliefs as well as other things.
Great job. Clearly you have found some seriously ugly creatures here. Informative and interesting.
ReplyDeleteWell honestly your about as bright as a box of rocks, ring worm is a fungus....and is a fungus that eats at the surface of your skin not your fucking brain. and is cured with tinactin. There is a round worm though that will sometimes attack your brain and is found in other animals, though doesn't always go for the brain it just likes nice juicy spots like your spinal cord,your lymph nodes and or your eyes.
ReplyDeleteYour abominable spelling makes much of it unintelligible!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed what I could decipher!