Thursday, February 25, 2010

the enviroment

hello in this blog I'll be writing about what i think about environmental issues like global climate change loss of forests etc. now then I think that global warming can be easily solved by people putting more effort in to find alternate environmental friendly sources of energy like wind and solar using more energy efficient cares that are Eco friendly and using gas in only things that most have not just easier and cheaper and other things. now then another thing that could help slow/reverse global climate change would be stopping/majorly decrease in forest depletion like in south American rain forests and north American forests are be cut down for would make room for human expansion are cause major lose in how much carbon can be absorb by trees and reverted into oxygen also lose of forests world wide has made less room for animals that need forest for them to live which is causing animals to possibly become endangered or even die of completely as well some species are destroyed at the same time also due global warming some animals population have increased like the pine beetle which destroying large amounts of north American forests to extreme increases in there population increasing various problems even more also then rain forests have abundant forms of life like are just interesting but some of the best medical plants are found in those Forest SO some medical treatment or Even cure for some serious disease could have been destroyed and never to be found again.
some animals/plants/microbes etc have due to change in climate have been able to spread to place where they can thrive at the expense of local life. another thing is some the worlds greatest natural wonders for example the great barrier reef have been damaged due to human negligence causing destruction of it also some animals and disease that destroy the reef have prob lay increased or have migrated destroying even more of it so people should be more care full of such natural wonders. i also think that instead of destroying a piece of Forest for example to make room for buildings should instead build around it or as part of it. so these some of my thought on the environment I'll probably end up writing some on this blog so what is your opinion on this topic write a comment

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